Here you will find the UK BIM Framework, the standards, guidance and resources which constitute the overarching approach to information management using BIM in the UK.
This approach is brought to you by BSI and nima, and is cited in key policy documentation such as the Construction Playbook, Trust and Productivity, and the TIP Roadmap to 2030.
The work you see here has been, and continues to be, the result of a massive collaborative effort, from many people over a long time, often on a voluntary basis. Thank you to all for the time and passion given.
We hope you find the resources here useful in helping you on your journey to digital transformation. The UK BIM Framework is a vital foundation for future developments. We want to ensure that through the Framework you have the support you need to implement information management using BIM. Please do let us know if you have feedback or ideas on how we can improve this support.

The BIM Process

Design – Deploy digital techniques to design better performing buildings, homes and infrastructure. Use good practice, secure by default, information management to get data right from the start.
Build – Exploit new and emerging digital construction and manufacturing technologies, processes and techniques. Secure, shared information, enabling clients, design teams, construction teams and the supply chain to work more closely together to improve safety, quality and productivity during construction.
Operate – Use real time information to transform the performance of the built environment and its social and economic infrastructure. Smart asset management to predict and avoid disruption of services. Digitalisation of existing assets and infrastructure.
Integrate – Understand how spaces and services can improve citizen quality of life. Feed that information in to the design and build of our economic and social infrastructure and the operation and integration of services they deliver.
Please click on the interactive graphic on the left to view the related standards for each step of the BIM Process.
Show me the way
interfaces between
parties & teams
I am...
Receiver of information concerning works, goods or services from a lead appointed party.
In some countries the appointing party can be termed client, owner or employer but the appointing party is not limited to these functions.
This term is used whether or not there is a formal appointment between the parties.
If you are responsible for co-ordinating information between the delivery team that you are a part of and the appointing party (client) this means that you are fulfilling the role of the ‘lead appointed party’ in the context of the ISO 19650 series. You are a member of both the Project Team and a Delivery Team.
Provider of information concerning works, goods or services.
Note: A lead appointed party should be identified for each delivery team, but this can be the same organization as one of the task teams.

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UK BIM Framework
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